Review and recommend to the contract City Arborist that the following trees be further investigated for Heritage Tree designation:
1. Australian willow (Geijera parviflora) at the Goleta Community Center (5679 Hollister Ave)
2. Spanish fir (Abies pinsapo) at the Rancho La Patera & Stow House (304 N. Los Carneros Road)
3. Brush cherry (Syzygium australe) at the Rancho La Patera & Stow House (304 N. Los Carneros Rd)
4. Moreton Bay chestnut (Castanospermum australe) at the Rancho La Patera & Stow House (304 N. Los Carneros Rd)
5. Western sycamore (Platanus racemosa) at San Jose Creek at Jonny D. Wallis Park (170 S. Kellogg Ave.)
Luz “Nina” Buelna, Public Works Director
George Thomson, Parks and Open Space Manager
Estimated Time
45 minutes