A. Receive a report of initial findings and recommendations related to the Information Technology environment of the City of Goleta; and
B. Authorize the City Manager to execute Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 2024-041 with CU Technology, dba Acorn Technology Services, to align compensation and payment with nature of work to be performed through the contract term and to increase the contract by $70,000 for a new, not to exceed contract amount of $1,135,906; and
C. Authorize the transfer of $151,008 from the IT Strategic Plan Implementation Reserve to Program 1820 as discussed in the Fiscal Impacts Section; and
D. Authorize the City Manager to execute purchase order(s) for the purchase of six (6) replacement desktop devices and 35 replacement laptop devices, in an amount not to exceed $85,000.
Matthew R. Fore, General Services Director
Estimated Time
30 minutes