1. Adopt Resolution 17-, entitled, “A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Goleta, California, Adopting a Goal of 100 Percent Renewable Electricity Use by Municipal Facilities and 100 Percent Renewable Electricity Supply for the Community by 2030”;
2. Authorize staff to participate in additional actions to support achievement of the 100 Percent Renewable Electricity Goal, as follows:
a. Approve a budget appropriation of $7,500 from the General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance to account 101-5-4500-500 for participation in an Additional Feasibility Assessment of regional Community Choice Energy with Santa Barbara County; and
b. Direct staff to participate in a solicitation process with the County of Santa Barbara to engage a strategic energy consultant to identify opportunities for participation in the Southern California Edison Goleta Area Request for Offers and conduct a study on Renewable Energy/Distributed Energy Resources Potential.
c. Direct staff to explore options for assessing feasibility of a City-wide Community Choice Energy Program, such as that offered by Pilot Power Group, and return with more information at a later date.
Cindy Moore, Sustainability Coordinator
Estimated Time
30 minutes