A. Adopt Resolution No. 23-__, entitled “A Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of Goleta, California, Recommending to the City Council Adoption of Amendments to the General Plan and Title 17 of the Goleta Municipal Code to Implement Housing Element 2023-2031 Subprograms HE 2.1(a), (b), and (e) (Case Nos. 21-0002-GPA and 23-0004-ORD).”
B. Make a determination that because a CEQA Addendum was considered as part of a separate action, no further environmental review is required for Resolution No. 23-__ pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21166 and State CEQA Guidelines Section 15162.
Peter Imhof, Planning and Environmental Review Director
Anne Wells, Advance Planning Manager
Andy Newkirk, Supervising Senior Planner
Veronica Tam, Housing Consultant